Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hey, I'm writing again! For the second day in a row! Woo.

Not much has happened, but I'll just jot some information down anyways.

Work today from 10 AM-2 PM. 

Need to go to the bank after that. And I really need to get some Double A Batteries. How is it that whenever my mother purchases these little energy sources, all of a sudden they're all gone? She asked why she always needs to buy them, and yet I asked her why they are always all gone. Yea. 

I don't remember if I mentioned what I'm thinking of giving to *C* for Christmas. Since we would go on walks in our little subdivision, I came up with the idea to take a picture of the half-way point, meaning the point that is half-way between our houses. That is not the only reason it's significant, however. We always met there, we always ended there, and we always hugged there. So, I would like to think that it has a more personal meaning to us than the other people that live out here. Soooo I want to take the picture, do some editing to make it black & white (I love black & white photography), and frame it. And give it to him. Hopefully I can work up the courage to do just that.

Christmas........I really hate this holiday. Christmas has become all about consumerism. That is definitely not what it is supposed to be about. And adults, the ones that are supposed to have more sense than the youngsters "buy" (ha) into the false meaning. Ugh. The only holiday I actually like is Halloween. And I didn't really get to celebrate this year because I was so busy with school and work. But back to Christmas. I barely get anyone gifts. It's just the way I am. I really only get something for my 2 younger sisters. My parents don't want to receive anything, so that saves me time and money. And my friends have really come to expect nothing from me. Sure, in junior high I used to go all-out and get all of my friends nice gifts and wrap them and we would exchange and blah blah blah. But I came to my senses. So the point of this story is.....*C* is going to be receiving a rarity from me. And I shall make that known to him.

Alright, before I get off to do something productive, I feel like I should make a list of books that I would like to read this break. I'm not saying I will get to all of them, but hey, at least attempting counts for something.

-The Godfather by Mario Puzo (I'm actually reading this right's taking longer than I expected, considering the films are my all-time favorites.)
-The Way He Lived by Emily Wing Smith (Again, I'm reading this's more boring than I expected.)
-The Words of Every Song by Liz Moore
-Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
-The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
-Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
-The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
-Various poems by e e cummings

Kite Runner, Frankenstein, and Handmaid's Tale are actually for my Fiction class that starts next month. I thought maybe I'd try to read them before class started so I was ahead of the game, but.....we'll see. Of course, there are more books I want to read as well. But one step at a time.

Until next time....

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