Friday, December 19, 2008

Who Do I Fancy.

So. I think this will be a bit short, because A) my stomach is killing me, from all the coffee I've had for the past....3 days; and B) I'm freaking tired, considering it's midnight and I haven't gone to bed before 1 AM every night since Saturday. 

I was thinking about celebrity crushes. Who would I crush on that has made it big, so-to-speak?
Hmmm. I think the question is worthy of me compiling a list, since everything I do usually has to have a list.

Commencing listing phase.

-William Beckett from The Academy Is. He is fine. Really.
-The "clean singer" from The Devil Wears Prada, Jeremy DePoyster. He is sooooo scene. But he is quite good looking. And funny. Gotta have that.
-The "clean singer" again from Underoath, Aaron Gillespie. Not my usual type, as in hair color. 
-Brendon Urie from Panic at the Disco. Cute.
-Peter Doherty and Carl Barat from The Libertines. Like a two-for-one deal.
-Weston DuPree from Eisley. Cute in an almost nerdy way. 
-That actor that played Jasper in "Twilight."
-Joe Jonas. No lie.
-Robert Iler from "The Sopranos." He is hott. And I don't call people hott.

Ending listing phase.

All of them except for two are musicians. Hmm. I must have a thing for them. Whatever. 

Aside from this randomness. My friend and I were going to do some shopping tomorrow morning, but there is supposed to be a big snow/ice/sleet storm right now in fact....dunno if it's actually happening, but we will not be going because of the roads. I'm actually okay with that....I need to catch up on some rest. 

Alright. I will more than likely write tomorrow....maybe something not worth reading at all. Who knows?

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