Sunday, September 28, 2008

The First

So it's been quite a few days since I last wrote. Well, I've been busy, with school and.....someone else. 

I had my first date.

I know that sounds totally lame, seeing as I'm 18 and a freshman in college, but that's besides the point. Anyways, he is the president of the college honors society, and I met him at the induction ceremony on Monday. 
--Okay, now time out. I think I was the youngest person to be inducted. Seriously. You have to have a 3.5 GPA and 12 credit hours.....well, technically I have 11.....but how many first semester freshman have that? Okay, time out over.--
At the ceremony, he came right up to me and introduced himself. And I was like.........huh. Yea, that pretty much sums it up. I knew there was something about him. He sat next to me, and we didn't talk a whole lot that night, but we kept giving "the eye." Ha!
Tuesday I was in the cafeteria having Indian food (irrelevant, but whatever) with my friend, and he started walking towards the table. We started talking and then he asked to sit down. Well, of course I said yes. And we really hit it off, apparently, because A) my friend said she could sense some chemistry, and B) he asked me out. So. Yea.
I really would prefer to not tell the entire story because it would just be too long. But let me just say that it was awesome. 

That was last night, and we hung out again tonight. So, something is looking up for me, finally. 

I promise I will try to write more.....if I can just work on not being so swamped with homework. Ha, like that will ever happen.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To-Do and a Happy Note

Things To Do:
-read chapter and articles for Sociology.
-reader's journal for Composition.
-write Van Gogh comparison paper for Humanities.
-continue reading Devil in the White City for Humanities as well.
-pick classes for future semesters.
-get license plate sticker.
-buy book for Film class.
-study for Environmental Geology.
-start planning a visit to NIU.
-go to Verizon to check out plans for Blackberry.
-make a list for the future. I know what this means, others probably don't.
-meeting for Honors Project.
-Phi Theta Kappa informal ceremony.

Just a few things.....

Bright side: Tomorrow's the first day of autumn. The most wonderful time of the year.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The last 2 Days

So, haven't written in a few days....what is it? Two?
Well, the night before, I was watching "House." And last night, I attended a high school soccer game, and then went to bed for a mere 4 hours before waking at 3 for a cram session for Sociology. So. That was my eventful life for a while.

I suppose I could discuss these events....they are happenings.

Soccer game-
I never had the fortunate event of going to one of these while I was actually in high school. So, upon my friend inviting me to go, I obliged. 
It was a difficult, and downright depressing time for me. Not because of the sport; I mean, who doesn't love a good ol' soccer rumble? Ha! was because the boy that I set my heart on all senior year plays. I'm not going to report all the happenings of last year, because it's a bit too painful for me to rehash. But.....imagine, sitting on the hard bleachers, gnats flying around, and seeing that person that you longed for makes you think back to everything that went I said, depressing. I didn't stay for the whole game. 

What was the other topic I was going to discuss? Oh....cramming-
This was our first exam of the semester in my Intro to Sociology class. And I was freaking out. Literally. There's so much reading involved in this class, you wouldn't believe it. I could not focus for the life of me last night, so I went to bed around 10:30, and set the alarm for 3 so I could wake and study. I seem to work better early in the morning for some odd reason. Anyways, I went into the exam panicking.....I could not get a C or obviously anything below that. I didn't even want to get a B. I don't want to say that it was hard, or wasn't as difficult as I thought, let's put it that way. 50 multiple choice, a combo of application and reference problems; and 2 essays. I'm nervous to see my grade....but I'm glad it's over. And now, I essentially know what to expect. Time will tell.

So.....I have a quiz in Environmental Geology tomorrow. Should be okay, about volcanoes, and floods. Great, just what I love to talk about. And perhaps I shall attend the football game and support my sister, "the cheerleader." Awesome. Alright.

Until next time.....

Monday, September 15, 2008

And so it begins

I would've written last night, but alas, I was watching the "House" Marathon. Love that show.

So.....apparently the economy is going down the tube. Literally. What does this mean for people? Ones that have investments now? And what about my generation? Will this affect the ability to get a good-paying job and make a living? I think we all need some sort of reassurance that things will be okay.

Of course the political candidates are jumping at this chance to push their economic ideas. Well.....I'll save political talk for another time. But what I'll say now is that I hope that whoever wins, something is done to help the worsening situation. One of the larger factories in my area where I live is going to shut down in the next 3 months. Jobs, lost. And this factory is not the only one in America. Isn't there something that can be done? People don't deserve to not have a future.

America is.....naive. I don't understand why we makes the same mistakes over and over, too stubborn to admit that maybe other countries' ideas or plans or whatever may just work a bit better than our own. When will the country learn? How many mistakes have to be made?

Saturday, September 13, 2008


And now for a public service announcement:

Naked 100% Juices are the best! They come in a large variety of flavors and are a great way to get that 5. Pick one up (Mighty Mango) today!

Not much to say....rained all day, so that sucked. But I had to work so it's all good. From time to time I may do this "public service" thing, just because, well, it's fun. And I have nothing to say. There's that. 

Friday, September 12, 2008


Sometimes I wonder if obnoxious people know that they're being obnoxious. Really. And the ironic thing is that they act like they don't. I would go as far to say they're oblivious to the fact that they're disrupting everyone around them. 

What does it take to get them to stop? Stares aren't enough, obviously. It comes to the point where people actually get up and leave, changing their lives, no matter how trivial the task they're trying to accomplish, just to escape the moronic behavior. 

And yet, why do we consider such behavior obnoxious? Is it really? Or is it just the way we are conditioned in society that brings us automatically to this conclusion? Perhaps it's because we are brought up to accustom to certain behaviors, certain "norms." And if someone disrupts the flow, well, that's where the "obnoxious" comes from. 

Maybe if everyone really considered this sometimes, we would realize that there may not be any classifications for potentially annoying behavior. Just a passing thought.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 least to me.

So the MTV VMA's have sparked a lot of publicity, not because of the show itself, but due in large part to the crude remarks of the host. British "bad boy" Russell Brand made jokes and mocked the Jonas Brothers about their promise rings and pledge of abstinence until marriage. 
He attempted to "apologize," but let me just say that it fell tremendously short from being anything close to sincere. 

Why? Just answer me that. Why make fun of them? Did he not have enough material, so he had to bring down the morals and values of three outstanding boys.....well, young men? Kevin, Joe, and Nick work extremely hard and it's incredible that they can remain grounded with all the pressures of the Hollywood world. There was absolutely no excuse for mocking them for their rings, and their personal choices.

They don't even like to talk about them over half the time, because it's not the only thing about them. They want others to see them for more than just the metal bands they wear on their fingers. Kevin and Joe (twenty and nineteen respectively) are one thing, but Nick is fifteen. Fifteen! And Brand felt it was fine and dandy to make fun of a fifteen year-old boy for not having sex? And the people that claim "MTV isn't Disney; they should be men and take it, blah blah blah;" are you serious? I think there's a fine line between what's okay to joke about and what's crossing that line. And to a lot of people, that line was crossed. Big time.

Is this what society has come to? I mean really. It's quite ridiculous. What's wrong with having standards? What's wrong with morals? Is society really down to the all-time low of making fun of people that don't want to be, for lack of a better term at the moment, sluts? Yes, males can be considered sluts too. 

But, just like they always do, the boys handled the situation with class. They were brilliant. Hopefully as a result of the reactions to the show, unconvinced people will see the Jonas Brothers for more than just Teen Disney stars.

Oh, two things.
1) I love the Jonas Brothers....if you haven't this in turn will more than likely not be the last you hear about them.
2) I have the same values and beliefs as the boys do. And I do wear a ring as well.

Till next time....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Beginning

So this is a blog. First off, let me tell why I decided to create this. I am going to community college to study journalism. Now, as much as I......let's say respect my school, they unfortunately don't offer any journalism courses. So, I need to write as much as I can. A blog, what a perfect way to do that!

So.....about me a little bit: I have a wide variety of interests, way too many to name here. It would go on forever. But I will probably write about them in the future, so you will more than likely figure out what I really like. 

I'm hoping that this blog will create some discussion depending on the topic at hand. 

That's all for now, and I will try to write as often as I can, which, may be pretty often. Peace.

Oh yea, I like to end my writing, whether it's leaving my friends comments or whatever with something....odd, like "peace." Don't mind it, it's just my abnormal personality. Again, peace.