Sunday, September 28, 2008

The First

So it's been quite a few days since I last wrote. Well, I've been busy, with school and.....someone else. 

I had my first date.

I know that sounds totally lame, seeing as I'm 18 and a freshman in college, but that's besides the point. Anyways, he is the president of the college honors society, and I met him at the induction ceremony on Monday. 
--Okay, now time out. I think I was the youngest person to be inducted. Seriously. You have to have a 3.5 GPA and 12 credit hours.....well, technically I have 11.....but how many first semester freshman have that? Okay, time out over.--
At the ceremony, he came right up to me and introduced himself. And I was like.........huh. Yea, that pretty much sums it up. I knew there was something about him. He sat next to me, and we didn't talk a whole lot that night, but we kept giving "the eye." Ha!
Tuesday I was in the cafeteria having Indian food (irrelevant, but whatever) with my friend, and he started walking towards the table. We started talking and then he asked to sit down. Well, of course I said yes. And we really hit it off, apparently, because A) my friend said she could sense some chemistry, and B) he asked me out. So. Yea.
I really would prefer to not tell the entire story because it would just be too long. But let me just say that it was awesome. 

That was last night, and we hung out again tonight. So, something is looking up for me, finally. 

I promise I will try to write more.....if I can just work on not being so swamped with homework. Ha, like that will ever happen.

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