Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Beginning

So this is a blog. First off, let me tell why I decided to create this. I am going to community college to study journalism. Now, as much as I......let's say respect my school, they unfortunately don't offer any journalism courses. So, I need to write as much as I can. A blog, what a perfect way to do that!

So.....about me a little bit: I have a wide variety of interests, way too many to name here. It would go on forever. But I will probably write about them in the future, so you will more than likely figure out what I really like. 

I'm hoping that this blog will create some discussion depending on the topic at hand. 

That's all for now, and I will try to write as often as I can, which, may be pretty often. Peace.

Oh yea, I like to end my writing, whether it's leaving my friends comments or whatever with something....odd, like "peace." Don't mind it, it's just my abnormal personality. Again, peace.

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