Thursday, September 11, 2008 least to me.

So the MTV VMA's have sparked a lot of publicity, not because of the show itself, but due in large part to the crude remarks of the host. British "bad boy" Russell Brand made jokes and mocked the Jonas Brothers about their promise rings and pledge of abstinence until marriage. 
He attempted to "apologize," but let me just say that it fell tremendously short from being anything close to sincere. 

Why? Just answer me that. Why make fun of them? Did he not have enough material, so he had to bring down the morals and values of three outstanding boys.....well, young men? Kevin, Joe, and Nick work extremely hard and it's incredible that they can remain grounded with all the pressures of the Hollywood world. There was absolutely no excuse for mocking them for their rings, and their personal choices.

They don't even like to talk about them over half the time, because it's not the only thing about them. They want others to see them for more than just the metal bands they wear on their fingers. Kevin and Joe (twenty and nineteen respectively) are one thing, but Nick is fifteen. Fifteen! And Brand felt it was fine and dandy to make fun of a fifteen year-old boy for not having sex? And the people that claim "MTV isn't Disney; they should be men and take it, blah blah blah;" are you serious? I think there's a fine line between what's okay to joke about and what's crossing that line. And to a lot of people, that line was crossed. Big time.

Is this what society has come to? I mean really. It's quite ridiculous. What's wrong with having standards? What's wrong with morals? Is society really down to the all-time low of making fun of people that don't want to be, for lack of a better term at the moment, sluts? Yes, males can be considered sluts too. 

But, just like they always do, the boys handled the situation with class. They were brilliant. Hopefully as a result of the reactions to the show, unconvinced people will see the Jonas Brothers for more than just Teen Disney stars.

Oh, two things.
1) I love the Jonas Brothers....if you haven't this in turn will more than likely not be the last you hear about them.
2) I have the same values and beliefs as the boys do. And I do wear a ring as well.

Till next time....

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