Monday, September 15, 2008

And so it begins

I would've written last night, but alas, I was watching the "House" Marathon. Love that show.

So.....apparently the economy is going down the tube. Literally. What does this mean for people? Ones that have investments now? And what about my generation? Will this affect the ability to get a good-paying job and make a living? I think we all need some sort of reassurance that things will be okay.

Of course the political candidates are jumping at this chance to push their economic ideas. Well.....I'll save political talk for another time. But what I'll say now is that I hope that whoever wins, something is done to help the worsening situation. One of the larger factories in my area where I live is going to shut down in the next 3 months. Jobs, lost. And this factory is not the only one in America. Isn't there something that can be done? People don't deserve to not have a future.

America is.....naive. I don't understand why we makes the same mistakes over and over, too stubborn to admit that maybe other countries' ideas or plans or whatever may just work a bit better than our own. When will the country learn? How many mistakes have to be made?

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