Friday, September 12, 2008


Sometimes I wonder if obnoxious people know that they're being obnoxious. Really. And the ironic thing is that they act like they don't. I would go as far to say they're oblivious to the fact that they're disrupting everyone around them. 

What does it take to get them to stop? Stares aren't enough, obviously. It comes to the point where people actually get up and leave, changing their lives, no matter how trivial the task they're trying to accomplish, just to escape the moronic behavior. 

And yet, why do we consider such behavior obnoxious? Is it really? Or is it just the way we are conditioned in society that brings us automatically to this conclusion? Perhaps it's because we are brought up to accustom to certain behaviors, certain "norms." And if someone disrupts the flow, well, that's where the "obnoxious" comes from. 

Maybe if everyone really considered this sometimes, we would realize that there may not be any classifications for potentially annoying behavior. Just a passing thought.

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